Sunday, January 3, 2010


I've tried very hard. But overtime we get into an argument, i will for sure remember everything that you have done and everything you are still doing now. It doesn't matter now much you think you showed that you cared. Trust is something that you earn anyways. You have wasted my chances too many times. That now i still hate you all over again. Since i was 8, since the day you left, I have changed. Until i met cameron I thought i could have gotten over the insecurities that I have gained when you left, when you lied, when you walked out on me. But no, every time i try to believe i fail. and every time you fail me.
Some wounds can never be healed, some mistakes can never be meant. that is why the past still haunts the present. Since the day you left i have stopped trusting you or the world and that is not gonna ever change from today onwards. I have hated you all my life. And I won't tell you till the day you die in bed.